5 Tips For Dealing With Dry Eye

Dry eye syndrome is a common eye condition among adults and can lead to redness, sensitivity to light, blurry vision and a painful sensation in the eyes. Several different factors can increase a person's risk of dry eye, such as certain medications, dry air and allergies. If you suffer from dry eye syndrome, here are some ways you can manage your symptoms.

Include Fatty Acids in Your Diet

If you add omega-3 fatty acids to your diet, you can reduce your dry eye symptoms. The fatty acids reduce inflammation in your body, which helps your eyes produce more tears. There are plenty of foods you can get your omega-3 fatty acids from, including salmon, walnuts, flaxseed oil and chia seeds.

Be Aware of Your Environment

Certain environmental factors can lead to dry eye, so you always have to be aware of your environment. For example, if it is very windy outside, it may be best to stay indoors as much as possible. If the air in your home is dry, you can try putting a humidifier in your living room or bedroom.

Try Artificial Tears

Using artificial tears is a good way to bring temporary relief for dry eye. You can buy these tears at the drugstore and apply them to your eyes when they feel dry. However, if you find yourself having to use artificial tears more than a few times a day, you may want to switch to preservative-free drops.

Use a Warm Washcloth

Another way to manage dry eye is to apply a warm washcloth to your eyelids before you go to bed. Doing this will help reduce inflammation and help more oil get to your eyes. Just hold the washcloth over your eyes for a few minutes, and you should feel much better.

Take Breaks from the Computer

Staring at a computer screen too long can irritate your eyes, so it is wise to take periodic breaks. If you have to use a computer for work, try looking away from the screen every 20 minutes for 20 seconds at an object 20 feet away.

Dry eye syndrome does not have to make your life miserable. If you follow these helpful tips, you can improve your symptoms and feel better. However, if you still can't get control of dry eye, you should make an appointment with your eye doctor and ask him or her about other treatments.

For more information, contact a business such as De Venuto Joseph J.
